Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim....

The Mujahada in Prada

Saturday, August 7, 2010

~Another Sale!~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Evening My Stylish Sisters!

As if my earlier post wasn't enough, in celebration for Ramadan coming, the entire selection of hijab pins at are 25% off right now!

YAY!  Don't you just LOVE sales?  I'm thinking of just getting all of my Eid shopping done now!  (and maybe getting myself a couple of things too!)

Ma'Salaama and (as always) Happy Shopping!

Fashionably Yours,
The (shop-a-holic) Mujahada in Prada


Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

Asalaamu `alaikum Habibti,

Plz lemme know if u want me to feature your business and give me the details inshaaAllah.

Hayyach Allah xoxo

Anonymous said...

waAlaikum asSalaam waRamatullahi waBarakatuh habibti! MashaAllah! InshaAllah my funds will arrive soon! I want to buy some things from you! Your styles are so unique! I love them all!