aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Afternoon My Stylish Sisters!
For those of you who wake up first thing in the morning looking forward to my newest blog post, I apologize there wasn't one today. (Although I have a strong feeling I didn't disappoint too many ladies LOL) I am actually on a brief, weekend trip with my family.
Alhamdulillah I looooove travel. Whether it's to a neighboring town to peruse a local art show, or jet-setting across the globe to visit the Middle East, traveling to me is like food for my soul. I enjoy seeing new sights, experiencing new cultures, and meeting new people. I love the exotic architecture of the Middle East and hospitality of its people. I enjoyed the cultural masterpieces and delicious desserts in France. I savored exploring the countryside and small towns of Ireland. And I adored the hustle and bustle of the double decker buses, and the fashion disctricts in London.
Alhamdulillah I've been blessed with parents who felt that traveling was vital to in order to cultivate a well-rounded personality, and when I was little we took a trip almost every year. Granted, it was usually to DisneyWorld and Epcot Center and places like that, but we were also expected to behave and absorb the beauty of the many paintings and sculptures at the numerous art galleries we would visit.
I have traveled so much that it is hard for me to understand that some people have never even left their home state, or even their home town. It's been my experience that the majority of the Muslimahs I have been blessed to meet in these past few years have had the opportunity to travel to other countries. I think that may be largely due to the fact that many of us converts are married to Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian or Yemen husbands, and so have been able to travel to see their husband's countries.
In fact, in my recent years I have had a sort of epiphany, realizing that my concept of Home is quite different than most. Because of circumstances that have happened in my life, after this next relocation coming up, I will have moved four times since 2008. But honestly, as long as I have my family around me, and am surrounded by loving hugs and helpful advice I am fine with that. I know that some people may feel it is not healthy for a young child to be shuffled around as much as my daughter has, but you know what? She is so used to traveling that she is sleeping across the room from me in a borrowed crib from the hotel, hugging her bear and dreaming her sweet baby dreams. Insh'Allah by her traveling so much she will be able to meet people from all over the world, of different cultures and all of the beautiful shades of human complexion.
It is important to me that she grows up to be a strong Muslimah insh'Allah, that she knows the importance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and has an ingrained sense of living according to those guidelines set forth. But it is also important to me that she knows there are many other people in this world, and that our differences are what make all of us beautiful.
Ma'Salaama and Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Fashionably Yours,
The (Constantly Commuting) Mujahada in Prada
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