aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Morning My Stylish Sisters!
Insh'Allah you have all had a wonderful weekend so far, gotten some relaxation in, and caught up on that much-needed "Me" time.
I am still on the road, so forgive me if this post (like the last one) is short and sweet, but I do think that it's a beneficial, if sensitive, topic to talk about.
I don't know about you sisters, but despite the fact that I am WELL beyond my teenage years, I still get *gasp* pimples! I know- it's horrible. It's embarrassing, annoying, and honestly can be really frustrating at times to figure out what I should, and shouldn't do to get that excellent epidermis we talked about before.
So, I thought it might be helpful insh'Allah to dispel a few myths that surround that annoying acne, those unpleasant pimples, those beastly blackheads.
Myth #1: Dirt Causes Acne
Although I strongly encourage good personal hygeine, the fact is dirt does not actually cause acne. Acne is caused by many factors including hormones (especially in women), overuse of cosmetics, and excessive secretion of the skin's natural oils. We've chatted before about the importance of not overwashing your face, and if you don't want to take my word for it (I won't be offended) then take it from an actual doctor. "Some patients believe this (that dirt causes acne) and end up washing their face numerous times a day, sometimes scrubbing vigorously and using harsh astringents," says Dr. Claire A. Pipkin, a dermatologist and assistant professor of medicine at Duke University School of Medicine. She continues by saying, "Ultimately, this can lead to irritated, traumatized skin that looks worse after treatment." The best thing to do is to wash your face only twice a day with a mild face wash, and do not rub your skin. Make sure one of those two times is in the evening or before bed, to remove any makeup or sweat that you may have accumulated throughout the day.
Myth #2: Squeezing Your Pimples Helps Clear Out Your Pores
Okay, not only is this not true, it's gross and can be really dangerous in the long run. "Some patients will squeeze pimples in an attempt to try to open up a clogged pore," says Pipkin. "However, this usually leads to further inflammation, which makes the acne look worse and last longer." I know it can be tempting to just get that nasty little zit over and done with, but it can cause irritation, swelling, and really bad scarring. So, hands off! Leave those pimples right where they are, no matter how "ripe" they may be. Instead of squeezing, try treating the pimple with acne treatment that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Both of these can be found in over the counter acne treatments, at really reasonable prices. In fact, I found an amazing website that provides instructions to a quick and easy regimen to help adults like us get rid of this adolescent annoyance. Adult Acne Regimen
Myth #3: (My Favorite) Chocolate, Cheeseburgers, and Fries Cause Zits
Um, YAY! It has actually been proven that although it may cause breakouts if you get grease from your junk food on your face, eating these delicious treats don't actually cause acne. (and I, personally, am not one who enjoys smearing my cheeseburger all over my face) "Many people with acne have oily skin, so for a time people thought that greasy foods should also be avoided," says Pipkin. However, a number of studies have shown that downing foods like French fries, cheeseburgers, and chocolate doesn’t have any impact at all on your skin's health. Now, I'm not recommending going and pigging out on a daily basis thinking it will have no impact on your skin, because after all good skin health is a part of your overall body's health. So, don't make it a habit to overindulge, but when you are having those cravings from time to time (and let's face it-we all have those cravings!) then treat yourself. For some people, though, milk can be a culprit of your facial furnuncles. So, try to avoid milk as much as possible for a little while, and see if that has an effect on your face, if it does then try to limit your milk intake, or switch to soy or rice milk.
Myth #4: Acne Will Go Away On Its Own As You Get Older
Okay, if that were true I wouldn't be writing this right now, I'd be writing about something much more fun and shoes! But, unfortunately acne does not just simply disappear, and for a lot of people it doesn't even go away as we get older. (so unfair, isn't it? breakouts AND wrinkles...ugh) In fact recent studies show that 50% of adult women are plagued with these bothersome blemishes at some point in their adult life. (Source) Dermatologists are now seeing more adult acne patients than ever before. Maybe this is because of increased toxins in our environment, or unhealthy eating habits, but personally I think more adults are just deciding they are not going to put up with this embarrassing condition. The effects of acne are serious and can cause self image problems, as well as anxiety. Don't get me wrong, looks are not everything. Especially as Muslimahs we know it is what is inside your heart, and the strength of your imaan that is much more important than a pretty face. But if there is something you can do to get rid of these irritating inflammations, why not do it?
Myth #5: Fake Tans Clear Up Your Skin
Not true at all. Not only do tanning beds not help remedy your acne, they can cause all kinds of other skin problems. "The World Health Organization has found tanning beds to be a risk factor for the development of skin cancer. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should ever use a tanning bed for acne or any other purpose," stresses Pipkin. If you absolutely feel it is necessary to be a little bronze, then wear sunscreen and limit your exposure to tanning beds, or real sunlight as much as possible.
"So, what do I do now?" You ask. (didn't you ask that?)
Well this is what you do. As we talked about before in the Rinse, Rinse, Rinse posting you should do all you can to ensure you are maintaining a good overall body health. Your skin is another organ of your body, and needs to be treated the same way you treat your heart or your muscles. This means, eat well, exercise often, and try a regimen like this one to help maintain your beautiful skin:
1. Use a gentle face wash in order to remove surface oils to allow the benzoyl peroxide to permeate your skin. By rinsing 50 times like I recommended you are ensuring that you have completely rinsed all of that cleanser off, to prevent any excessive drying that may be caused by left-over soap.
2. Apply plenty of benzoyl peroxide. As discusses, you should use only a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream because it is just as effective as higher percentages, but will cause less drying. Apply a good amount of benzoyl peroxide; the more you apply, the more will be absorbed into your skin.
3. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I know you ladies have heard me harp about this before, but it is sooo important to hydrate your skin, especially after using the benzoyl peroxide. Not only will moisturizer keep your skin healthy and able to heal itself, applying moisturizer consistenly will help to stave off those much dreaded wrinkles.
So, insh'Allah by following a few simple guidelines we can help to maintain our youthful appearance, minus the teenage breakouts. I know it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing to discuss, but if any of you lovely ladies have any other tips to add, insh'Allah let the rest of us know so we can all help to eliminate these enemies of the epidermis.
Ma'Salaama and Happy Cleansing!
Fashionably Yours,
The (soon to be pimple free) Mujahada in Prada
P.S. I must give credit where credit is due. All information was obtained from,, and my own experiences.
Hey beautiful! I love your post, we all struggle with those pimples here and there, especally when its that time of the month! ugh. Thank you for clearing up those myths! YAY chocolate time haha, I also heard that you need to keep swtiching face washes bc your skin gets used to the same one, as it is for hair as well:) hope you are having a FAB weekend!
suzanna xox
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ReplyDeleteJazak Allahu khair habibti! I learned some things from this. And just recently I got some acne cream that has benzoyl peroxide in it! :D