
Thursday, December 22, 2011

~Remember Her 70 Excuses~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Evening My Stylish Sisters...

This will be a quick, happy post to let everyone know (who may not know already) that Aisha Khan has been found.  She returned to her parent's house safe and sound this evening.

Although it is easy to get annoyed, or frustrated that after all of this effort and worry was for naught, we must ultimately be thankful that she returned home of her own free will, instead of the alternative.

We must also remember that we do not know the circumstances surrounding her choice to "get away" for a few days, there may be issues in her life that we are unfamiliar with. 

Most importantly we need to remember that she is our sister in Islam and deserves her 70 excuses.

Alhamdulillah she is back home, and insh'Allah whatever caused her to disappear can be resolved with the understanding and patience of her family and the mercy of Allah swt.

Ma'Salaama and Thanks to Everyone Who Helped.

Thankfully Yours,
The (relieved) Mujahada in Prada

1 comment:

  1. ...i couldnt agree more...x



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