
Sunday, July 11, 2010

~Inna Lillahi wa Inna Illayhi Rajioon~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Afternoon My Stylish Sisters,

I'm not really sure how to write this post.  It's been a long time since I have suffered the loss of a loved one alhamdulillah, and grieving is a very private process for me.  But for some reason I have the urge to let the world know that recently I lost one of the greatest people in my life, and it is unbelievably hard.

I'm not sure if you sisters remember my post a while back about being in New Mexico and my Aunt and Uncle's dog eating my shoes.  Well if you do...I have since lost something much more important than a stupid pair of clogs.  Early this morning that same Uncle passed away.

It was a huge shock to all of us.  He had just recently gotten healthy after struggling with some health problems.  He was happy, vibrant, hilarious, and loving.  Even though he wasn't a blood relative, he and my Aunt have been best friends with my parents for 40 years, and I can't imagine them not being in my life.

I can remember when I was young we spent every single Thanksgiving at their house.  The adults would be upstairs cooking and laughing, and the kids would be playing downstairs.  I remember one year as I was running up the stairs I cut my foot on a wayward nail, and started bleeding everywhere.  In his true character my uncle made jokes to make me laugh while my mom and Aunt cleaned my foot and bandaged it.  After I converted to Islam and didn't drink alcohol anymore, he was always considerate enough to make me a "virgin" of whatever drink everyone else was drinking at family functions.  The last time I visited them my aunt highlighted my hair, and I can remember he was disappointed he couldn't see how the end product looked.  Even though I'm 30 years old with a child of my own, he always called me kid...I will miss that so much.

I have soooo many memories of this amazing man that I could fill up pages with them.  Instead though, I will continue to let them fill up my heart.  He may not be with us anymore, but every time we gather he will be with us in spirit.  There are many things I wish I had done differently, called them more often, not made such a big deal over their dogs eating my stupid shoes, but I can't change that now.  All I can do is hope he knew how much he was loved by all of us, and continue to honor his memory by telling my daughter about this amazing man that she unfortunately will have to grow up without.

I will miss you Uncle R.


The (Tearful) Mujahada in Prada


  1. :( This post is really sad. I am so sad you are suffering this loss and I just don't knwo what to say. Thinking of you and love you so much :(

  2. so sorry to hear this sis! *hugs*

  3. Assalamu'alaykum,

    I'm really sorry to hear that Brandy. Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajioon! To Allah we belong and to him we return. MaY Allah make this easy for you!

    He sounds like he was a wonderful, BEAUTIFUL man! :(

  4. waAlaikum asSalaam waRamatullahi waBarakatuh habibti,

    Inna lillahi wa inna ileyhi rajioon. May Allah ease your pain and guide your family to Islam. Ameen! Habibti, you know I have had my share of close personal loss in my life. I don't think it matters how many losses you endure, they all affect you differently, because each person meant something different to you.

    If I may make a suggestion, write down your memories, even if they are just for you and Nyla. That way you won't forget and it will be therapeutic. My dad dealt with my mom's death by writing poetry. InshaAllah I will share them with you someday.

    I love you my name twinnie and I'm here for you when you need me.

    Allah Ma'ak wa Masalaama <3 xxx <3

  5. Assalaamu alaikum,

    I'm SO sorry to read about your loss. Your post is truly touching, and really tells us so much about him even though we never knew of him. He sounds like an amazing to have been around, and alhamdulillah you had the privilege of being with him. I'm sure he also knew you loved him dearly.

    I agree with our sister above who said to write down these memories.

    I love you habibti! <3


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