
Monday, April 19, 2010

~Older and...Wiser???~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Evening My Stylish Sisters!!

I can't believe a whole week has gone by without me posting! Subhan'Allah how time flies!!

I want to apologize, but it was for good reason...I promise!  You see, I turned another year older this week, and actually took a few days to relax!  I can't believe I've gotten this old already!  Alhamdulillah for everything, I am most greatful for all I have been blessed with, but it was quite a shock to realize that another year had gone by so quickly!

I can remember my last birthday like it was just yesterday, and now all of a sudden it's time for me to set my body's clock ahead a whole 'nother year!  Well, it wasn't as tough as I thought it would be (this was a milestone birthday, although I refuse to disclose which one) thanks to my hubby, and good people surrounding me.  I look at my daughter and can remember so vividly the day she was born, and subhan'Allah she has another birthday coming up too!

Well, I'll make this short, because I really had no plans for this post.  Just thought I'd ramble on a bit so my sisters wouldn't forget about me.  But another birthday always makes me realize just how quickly life flies by us.  In fact, just the other night I was sitting with my hubby and a couple of family members and they were fondly recounting memories of their grandfather.  And all of a sudden they realized he had already been gone for almost ten years, and here we were sitting and talking about him as if he had just walked out of the room.  In fact, not a day goes by that we don't refer to him, to his actions, to the way he dealt with those surrounding him, and all who loved him so dearly.

I got to thinking, will I be remembered in this way?  Will anyone think back ten years after I have died and still love me the way they did when I was still in this life? 

It made me think of how every single action we perform, every word we speak, every helping hand, or unkind remark is counted either for, or against us.  It's too bad it takes a birthday for me to realize this, but insh'Allah I will get better at remembering this every day.

Anyways, those are my ramblings for the day.  Tomorrow we shall return to our stylish chats and fashionable quandries, but for now let's reflect on ourselves, and our actions...and be grateful for this opportunity to share the time we have with eachother.

Ma'Salaama and Happy Reflecting...

Fashionably Yours,
The (Older and Wiser) Mujahada in Prada


  1. Mabruk sister, I will be joining your musings this week sister as I will be turning XX! Alhamdulillah I am grateful for everything I have and how I have grown so far (long way to go yet!) but Insha'Allah we will get there ;)

  2. I was missing your posts sis. Glad to see your back.

  3. waAlaikum assalaam habibti!

    MashaAllah! I loved reading this post! It is nice that Abu Nyla's family remembers his grandfather with such respect and love. May Allah grant him Jannatul Firdous! I for one will remember you after your death if I am still alive with fond memories habibti <3 InshaAllah many others will too!


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