Insh'Allah you amazing Muslimahs have all been healthy and in high imaan. I hope you haven't missed me toooo much during my brief hiatus; I missed you ladies terribly, but I was honestly quite overwhelmed with getting myself ready for the Big Move. Alhamdulillah our bags are packed, we have donated lots of nice things that I felt someone else would have better use for, and my beautiful daughter is sound asleep before our long flight tomorrow.
I thought this would be the perfect time to insh'Allah share with my sisters some pointers I have picked up throughout my many years (and many miles) of traveling. I am no expert, but I have racked up those frequent flyer miles, learned a lot through trial and error, and have a good system pretty much down pat. Insh'Allah you can take some tips and use them next time you travel to help to alleviate some of the stress that inevitably comes with traveling.
Jet-Setting Tip #1: Preparation Is Key
Now, it doesn't matter if you are planning a quick weekend rendezvous, or a three week vacation in the tropics, there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever that you should wait until the night before to start packing. No matter how well you plan ahead, there will always be "last minute" things that pop up, the trick is to make sure those last minute items are the ONLY things you have to worry about the day before you leave. So my suggestion (and please hold your laughter until I'm finished) is to write a list of every single thing you need to take with you. Yes this may seem tedious, or a little unnecessary at first but I have found that if I carefully write down every item I will need on a trip, I very rarely forget anything. Jot down a list (complete with check boxes) about a week before your scheduled departure. I guarantee every day you will realize something that should be added, or something that can be omitted. By doing this you will not carry un-needed items with you, nor will you get to your destination only to realize you have all brown, tan, and beige outfits and have only brought black shoes. (oh the humiliation!) Another fabulous thing about listing your clothing beforehand is that you will have time to visualize the outfits you are planning to take. This will enable you to mix and match, accessorize, and plan your outfits according to the activities you will be participating in. Remember a true fashionista always dresses accordingly!Jet-Setting Tip #2: Love Your Luggage
Does a surgeon hate her scalpal? No. Does a teacher hate her students? Let's hope not. Does a policewoman hate her uniform? Okay, bad example. But you get my point. To be good at anything you must, Must, MUST like the tools of your trade. Believe me, I know luggage is not cheap. Especially any half-way durable suitcases that don't look like they were made from left-over 1970's polyester. BUT it is possible to find some that are cute, and reasonable. Often times Ross has incredible deals on luggage, that are brand name, and quite fashionable. I would highly advise that you look for three various sized, coordinating bags that have pull up handles, and 360 degree wheels. This may seem like an unnecessary extravagance, but believe me- there is nothing unnecessary about good wheels and a handle when traveling. Another thing you should look for in a bag is its weight. Under NO circumstances should you buy a bag that weighs over 10-12 pounds empty (i don't care HOW cute it is). Any lighter than 10 pounds, and you run the risk of having a bag with NO frame, so your items will not be protected. Here is a nice set of bags, in a very classy and neutral color scheme that are light weight, and a great price for a three piece set: Luggage Pros. There is no excuse to be halfway to your destination, cursing yourself because you despise the luggage you are forced to drag along. If you travel often, then put aside a savings fund and do some research online to find yourself a quality, decent looking set of bags. Believe me, you will be grateful you did.Jet-Setting Tip #3: It's All About the Weight
Don't get self-conscious ladies. I'm talking about your bags, not you. With prices going up almost daily for checked baggage, you have to get the most out of each bag you are carrying. In order to make sure you don't go even one ounce over that 50 pound mark (75 pounds on international flights) it is always a good idea to either buy small bottles of your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, or to buy a cosmetics case that includes plastic bottles you can fill yourself. There is no reason to lug along your 72 ounce bottle of shampoo when you'll only be gone a week, and you will more than make up the cost of buying an extra bottle, because you will be able to pack other things you actually need without having to pay an overage charge. If you are going away for over a month I highly suggest you plan on just buying the shampoo and conditioner you will need at your destination instead of bringing it from home. Also, if you are only planning on carrying one bag onto the plane, why not also carry on a small satchel that contains only your shoes? Shoes, after all, are usually the heaviest thing in your suitcase, so by carrying them on you are freeing up more room in your checked luggage for that extra jacket, or fancy abaya in case you decide to go out for a formal dinner. Jet-Setting Tip #4: Your Carry-On is Your Carry-All
I simply cannot tell you how many horror stories I have been told by friends who have traveled on their honeymoon, on a family vacation, or even on an overseas expedition who have had their luggage lost and had to spend the first three days of their trip in their hotel room because they had nothing to wear. Consider your "carry on" to be another suitcase, and try to pack at least one pair of undies, socks, a brush, your toothbrush, deodorant and any other feminine essentials you may need. That way if you do have your luggage misplaced by the airlines, at the very least your undies will be clean, even if you are wearing the same abaya for a couple of days in a row. Also, don't be embarrassed to pack lots of things to keep you busy during the flight. Sometimes I look at these people who fly with one copy of Vogue and I think to myself "how many times can you read that in one 8 hour time period?" It is especially vital to bring along a lot of goodies when traveling with kids. Personally I have a HUGE hobo bag that serves as a diaper bag, filled with crackers, cookies, breakfast bars, a Doodle Pad, small stuffed animals, a coloring book and crayons, and a zip lock bag full to the brim of toys from Kinder Eggs. Although it can get a bit burdensome to carry, when my daughter is the ONLY child on the plane who is quiet during the flight, and I actually have other moms commend me on her behavior I thank Allah swt that I had the sense to lug on this monstrosity. (And believe me, your fellow passengers will be thankful too)Jet-Setting Tip #5: A Healthy Routine Never Takes A Vacation
Okay, so you are going somewhere to relax. To take long baths, and sleep in. To order room service and forget what day of the week it is. Or maybe you are on your way to a busy conference, a family gathering, or a weekend away with some of your closest sisters. Whatever the case may be, just because YOU are on vacation does not mean those pesky pimples, or icky viruses are. You should pack a small cosmetics bag for your carry on that includes some very good facial moisturizer, hand and body lotion, and makeup removing wipes and gently cleanse and hydrate your skin every 2-3 hours. Depending on how long your flight is, you should try to get up and walk (even if it's just to the lav) at least once every hour to keep the circulation going in your legs and stave off spider veins. It's also a good idea to take along with you some sanitizing wipes. Although you may catch strange looks from your neighbors, they can be very useful in fending off any sickness that may be hanging around from the previous passenger. Quickly wipe down the armrests, the head rest, and the tray table in front of you to kill any lingering germs. You can also take Airborne to try to prevent catching a cold while flying, and always keep the fan above you OFF. It may take some getting used to, but having that air circulating into your face can quickly cause you to catch an icky illness that may be floating around.Jet-Setting Tip #6: Be Comfortable and Chic
Let the record show that this is the absolute ONLY time I will condone wearing a leisure suit outside of your home. I am all for looking fabulous while traveling, but even I will not sacrifice my comfort during a six hour flight just so I can be the best dressed person on board. I have learned it is very easy to be comfortable and fashionable while flying, as long as you pick a simple, basic outfit and accessorize it accordingly. I would highly recommend always wearing shoes you can slip on and off while flying, especially because you will have to take them off to go through security. If your toes are not in their best form, then wear a pair of light-weight socks or stockings underneath your shoes so you aren't mortified when walking barefoot through the security line. I am a big fan of abayas when flying, although (as sad as it is) I have learned I don't get the best service from airline personnel, nor the friendliest reaction from my fellow passengers. I prefer trousers to a skirt because I tend to get chilled on the airplane, but I always wear plenty of layers that I can peel off in case I happen to get hot while in the air. I like to wear a scarf that I don't need an underscarf with because it is usually more comfortable, and easier to adjust if I need to in the middle of the flight, and I try to use as few pins as possible, because they do sometimes set of the TSA security wands. (which can be both annoying, and embarrassing)The bottom line is: Enjoy Yourself! Just take the time to plan ahead, and take a few precautions to make sure you can relax and enjoy yourself once you arrive at your destination. Remember getting there is half the fun!
Before I go, I would just like to remind myself, and all of you, of the most important thing to remember when we travel, and that is to make lots of du'a insh'Allah. Here is one du'a to make when traveling, although there are a few that are appropriate:
للهم احفظني واحفظ ما معي وبلغني وبلغ ما معي ببلاغك الحسن ، بالله أستفتح وبالله أستنجح وبمحمد ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) أتوجه ، اللهم سهل لي كل حزونة وذلل لي كل صعوبة وأعطني من الخير كله أكثر مما أرجو ، واصرف عني من الشر أكثر مما أحذر في عافية يا أرحم الراحمين
“O Allah! Protect me and protect what is with me (my possessions), and deliver me (to my destination and delivery what is with me the best of your delivery. By Allah I commence (my journey) and by Allah I seek to accomplish (the purpose of my journey) and by Muhammad (s.a.w.) I have set out (towards my destination). ‘O’ Allah make me overcome all (my grief); and make easy for me all difficulties; and give me more of goodness than I hope for; and keep away all evil of which I am apprehensive for my health.” “O the most Merciful”.
Here is a nice website mash'Allah with advice for the Muslim traveler: Travel Tips For Muslims
Ma'Salaama and Happy Traveling!
Fashionably Yours,
The (Trend-Setting, Jet-Setting) Mujahada in Prada
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