
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome to Veiled Couture...

aSalaam uAlaikum and Hello!
First of all I would like to sincerely thank all of you who are giving this modest little blog a chance, and willing to sacrifice your time to listen to my thoughts and musings.
Insh'Allah I will always make the best attempt to ensure that my humble advice is both beneficial and fashionable, virtuous and in-vogue, dawah-filled and designer-filled.
There are some who say there is no place for fashion or beauty in Islam...but I disagree. Of course I am only human. Simply a hijabi in Hermes, a mujahada in Prada, a Muslimah with a serious addiction to high heels, and anything pink.
Allah knows best, and that discussion is for another time...(next time perhaps?)
A blog is nothing without its readers, just as fashion is nothing without its followers. So please- Keep the comments coming! Let's just remember- we are not only fashionistas, we are also Muslimahs. So insh'Allah keep it classy!
In the meantime slip off those stilettos, grab a cup of cappuccino, and get comfortable. I'm not sure exactly where this catwalk will take us, but I know it's going to be fun, and we're going to do it in style!
Until next time...
Keep your head high
Your gaze low
And the fear of Allah in your heart.
Ma'Salaama and Happy Shopping!
Fashionably Yours,
The Mujahada in Prada


  1. Yay!!! MashaAllah wa MABROOK!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait to see how this unfolds habibti! InshaAllah khair :) Looking forward to your next post already!

  2. I can't wait to see what you do with this insha'Allah masha'Allah <3 I love this line, "Keep your head high, your gaze low!" masha'Allah!


Your stylish statements...