
Friday, February 12, 2010

~Jummah Mubarak!~

aSalaam uAlaikum my Stylish Sisters!

Please forgive me for not wishing you Jummah Mubarak before now.  Unfortunately I was not able to make it to the masjid today for Jummah Salat, insh'Allah you ladies were able to attend.  For me there is always a bit of an internal struggle on Fridays to interrupt whatever it is I'm doing, get ready, and head to the masjid.  But every single time I go, I am so grateful that I went.  It is such an amazing feeling to sit and listen to the words of the imam, and to stand in prayer with your sisters in Islam.  There is no feeling quite like it mash'Allah.

Insh'Allah we can all remember to read Surat al-Kahf today.  Here is a very beneficial article explaining the virtues of reciting this surah on Fridays. 
Recitation of Surat al-Kahf on Fridays

Remember if you cannot speak or read Arabic, then it is recommended to simply read the transliteration.  Insh'Allah we will be rewarded for our intentions. 

Ma'Salaama and Jummah Mubarak!

Fashionably Yours,
The Mujahada in Prada

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