
Friday, November 11, 2011

~So Happy To See You Again!~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Evening My Stylish Sisters!

Let me pour you a cup of coffee and plump a pillow for you, it's been far too long since we've chatted and I've missed you terribly.  Insh'Allah everything has been more than wonderful for each and every one of you faithful followers and for your families as well.

As usual my life has been busy busy busy.  Alhamdulillah both of the girls are getting bigger by the day, I have been struggling to keep up with them and their hilarious tactics, and my husband has been struggling to keep up with all of us. 

I love this time of the year.  Even though we don't actually celebrate Christmas, here in the United States the time between Halloween and New Years is one that just has a certain electricity in the air.  The mall is bustling and full of wonderful smells and even more wonderful sales.  I love the Christmas lights that people hang around on trees and their houses, and I love how people (in general) seem to get just a bit kinder to eachother.

One of the reasons that I have been so busy lately is because alhamdulillah my business http://www.lovenyla.com/ has gotten super busy lately.  My husband is amazing at marketing my product, and always encouraging me when I'm starting to lose hope.  I have a brand new and soooo beautiful collection coming out that is much more in tune with my personality than the previous one was.  I will be starting another blog dedicated solely to my jewelry and my jewelry-making adventures, so insh'Allah once it is up and running I will invite all of you to follow me there as well.

I also do have to admit that recently I have been struggling a bit with some stress and anxiety issues.  I would never normally share something like that, and I only am sharing it with you with the plea that you will keep my in your du'a and prayers because THAT, my friends, is our most powerful weapon.  The power of positive thinking, fear of Allah swt, and collective prayer.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anywho, enough of the blah blah blah.  Insh'Allah I will be back posting up a storm and blabbing your ears off with lots of irrelevant stories and irreverant advice.

Ma'Salaama and Happy to see you again!

Fashionably Yours,
The (timidly optimistic) Mujahada in Prada