
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

~Happy Birthday~

aSalaam uAlaikum and Good Evening My Stylish Sisters!

Today is a very sentimental day for me...my baby daughter turns two years old.

I remember the day she was born like it was just yesterday.  I was in labor for hours...they had sent my husband home thinking I wouldn't be giving birth for at least a few more, when the doctor rushed in and announced I needed an emergency C-Section.

I remember thinking that I should be scared, but I wasn't.  You could argue it was the drugs, but I strongly believe it was Allah swt telling me to be strong, that He was there with me and with my unborn child and that He already had everything planned out.  Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly and two days later I brought home my amazingly beautiful, smart, and energetic little girl.

As I sit here alone, listening to the neighbors laughing and planes zooming overhead I imagine my beautiful baby sleeping in the next room.  She loves to snuggle with one green bear in particular, and she hates having her feet covered when she sleeps.  Her nose is a little stuffed up, and I can picture her in there breathing peacefully in and out of her mouth, twitching from time to time as her little genious mind dreams about playing, running, and jumping.

My little girl is growing up so fast.  The other day someone jokingly said we should give her some pill to keep her this age forever.  There is actually a part of me who wants to do just that...keep her this small and dependant and snuggly.  But there is a bigger part of me that marvels at how much she learns every day.  The awe on her face as she discovers a new bug, the excitement when she hears her favorite song, or the squeals she makes when her baba comes home from work.

Her life has been pretty complicated compared to most toddlers'.  She's moved around much more than the average two year old, flown at least ten times, and had to adjust to several new beginnings.  Each time I am so impressed at how easily she seems to sink right in to her new life, her new surroundings...usually long before I am able to do the same.

I could sit here and name all of the things I love about her, the sayings she uses that make me giggle, even the mischevious acts that I try my hardest not to giggle act.  But I would be here all night, and I doubt you ladies would want to hear them.  So instead I will simply say Alhamdulillah...Allah swt has blessed me with a gift much greater than I could ever deserve.  I learn more about myself in one day from this tiny little human, than I have during the rest of my life combined.  She lights up my life, and insh'Allah I will always do my best to be the mother to her that she deserves.

I love you habibti.  Happy Birthday.  May your life be full of sunshine, laughter, and unconditional love, and may Allah guide and protect you always.  Ameen.

Ma'Salaama and Happy (Birthday) Shopping!

Fashionably Yours,
The (who knew someone so tiny could give so much love?) Mujahada Mama in Prada